Plasser Datamatic und ROBEL Ronnected

Plasser Datamatic and ROBEL Ronnected are modern fleet management systems and maintenance planning tools for railroad construction machines. All collected data is stored in a central cloud platform and made easily accessible in the Machine Condition Observer (MCO) via the web browser.

The key factors for the work performance of the machines are available for consideration over longer periods of time. For service purposes, the circumstances surrounding incidents during operation can be analyzed. The long-term evaluation of data also enables early detection of signs of wear. Downtimes are also minimized through more efficient deployment and maintenance planning.

Online webinar: Your leap into the digital future of fleet management – Further information

Your advantage:

  • Cloud-based overview of the status of the entire machine fleet and the current location
  • Dashboards for analyzing the recorded data
  • Machine data is made available via an API interface
  • Notification service
  • Customized evaluations and reports for individual machines or the entire fleet
  • Remote access by Plasser Robel Services specialists for faster troubleshooting and support
  • Data exchange between machine and office incl. automatic backup
  • Detection of overflow impacts and automatic notification
  • Minimization of downtimes through more efficient scheduling and maintenance planning

Would you like more information? Please contact us: